A woman brough in a chandelier, put it on the counter and told me that it was bleeping.
After having a good look at it, I pointed out to her that wasnt bleeping now and that I couldnt see how it could bleep as it didnt have any audio circuitry. She told me it hangs in the hallway and everytime she came through the front door, something was setting it off. I was stumped and explained to her that I couldnt see how it could be the chandelier that was bleeping. She told me I was taking the piss out of her and I clearly didnt know anything about light fittings. She then asked to see the Manager...
I told her she was talking to the Manager and suggested that she took home a 9v battery....
She looked at me, wide eyed and asked where she could fit that in the chandelier... I said, its not going to fit in the chandelier, its going to fit in your smoke alarm and thats going to stop your chandelier from bleeping...
...she hasnt been back....
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