Local Peasants must have been drinking the water out of the Village Pond again, as it seems to have caused 'Manners Amnesia' this morning...
I smiled and wished my first customer of the day "Good Morning", she promptly ignored me and barked:
"Toilet Water"
Not knowing exactly which product this scowling misery was asking for, I smiled and said:
"I'm sorry, can you be a bit more specific?"
"Toilet water, that goes in the toilet!!!!!..." she grunted.
"Ah!" I said, "like a toilet cleaner, something like Domestos or Harpic?"
"Whatever", she barked.
So, off I went up the back of the shop and brought a bottle of Domestos back to the counter...
"Open" she barked...
"I'm sorry?" I said...
"You want me to open it for you??????"
She didn't reply and started to put endless shrapnel on the counter to pay for it...
On closer inspection, this misery wasnt much older than me and didnt seem to have any disability, or apparent reason why she couldnt open it herself, when she got home. None the less, I opened the top for her and took the mountain of change off the counter.
"Bag", she barked...
I said nothing, took a carrier bag out and put the Domestos upright in the bag. It then occurred to me that though she didnt look foreign, may be she didnt speak English, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I continued to smile as she snatched it off the counter and went to leave the shop.
"Thanks a lot," I said really slowly, clearly and politely, just incase she was from warmer climes, because, surely, noone could be that rude.????..
"Have a nice afternoon" I chirpped...
I was still smiling at her, when she stopped in her tracks, turned on her heels and said:
"What the *ecks the matter with you, you stupid C**t - are you retarded??? Just to do your *ecking job and mind your own business"...She shouted...
Quality peasants in the Village this fine day then, she must have had at least two pints of pond water...
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